Admedo had the pleasure of speaking to a packed out room of recruiters the other week. Keely Williams, Head of Client Direct at Admedo and recruitment specialist discussed the role programmatic can play for recruiters looking to convey their EVP and attract global talent. The recruitment sector is faced with various external challenges. These include…
With your Undergraduate Open Days approaching, make sure you are following-up the conversation to potential applicants. During this crucial period you can employ a number of tactics to reach your application targets: Data-driven creative According to McKinsey research, data-driven personalisation delivers five to eight times the ROI on marketing spend and lifts conversions by…
We talk to Admedo’s HR & Operations Manager, Anthony Dacres, about the joys and challenges of hiring programmatic talent. Anthony, tell us a bit about what got you into the adtech industry. I was previously working as an Operations Manager for a welfare-to-work scheme, getting unemployed people back into work, and moving on, I wanted…