HTML5 effectively allows advertisers to build a microsite within a banner ad thanks to the interactive online ad experience which is created. The demise of Flash ads over the past few years has given way to the adoption of HTML5 animated ads and as such has enhanced the creative delivery through programmatic. There are 3…
WHY MUST YOU MARRY PROGRAMMATIC AND CREATIVE TOGETHER? At its core, advertising is about telling a story to the consumer in order to engage them with the brand. Creative and messaging has gone hand in hand for decades. However, with the rise of digital and the “device-led age”, challenges have become apparent when designing ads…
David Ogilvy: “If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative.” So many of us in the adtech/advertising space salute data as the the pivotal driver of successful online advertising. “It’s all in the targeting!” is the rally cry, as we pump our ads out into the ether. We’re wrong. But our misjudgment is forgivable; data-driven marketing…
It is no secret that one of the most important aspects of a successful display campaign is the advertising banner itself (often referred to as ‘creative’). You can optimize and nail down your target group all you want and still not have successful results, all because your offering or creative just isn’t attractive or eye-catching…