Mastering the Machine

machine learning

Marketers, breathe a sigh of relief, because the machines aren’t coming after your jobs. The mechanised backbone of programmatic advertising – machine learning – still needs you like a shark needs blood. We need only look to the ‘awkward’ exit of Microsoft’s chat bot, Tay, to see how AI, when left unaccompanied, can malfunction big…

Putting the CREATIVE back in ad creative

Engaging consumers through creativity and bright ideas

David Ogilvy: “If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative.” So many of us in the adtech/advertising space salute data as the the pivotal driver of successful online advertising. “It’s all in the targeting!” is the rally cry, as we pump our ads out into the ether. We’re wrong. But our misjudgment is forgivable; data-driven marketing…

How to cut the crap and make your online advertising relevant

Crayons design and colour to show marketing and advertising

Following the IAB’s recent ad-blocking seminar, it’s good to see the call for relevant online advertising moving (if gradually) up the agenda. We’ve witnessed huge growth in programmatic’s targeting capabilities, but the relationship between adtech and its essential human input can lack the kind of symbiosis which makes automation truly perform; ergo, many advertisers are…

How to Recruit an Outstanding Programmatic Team -The HR Perspective

HR Director for Admedo talking about programmatic

We talk to Admedo’s HR & Operations Manager, Anthony Dacres, about the joys and challenges of hiring programmatic talent. Anthony, tell us a bit about what got you into the adtech industry. I was previously working as an Operations Manager for a welfare-to-work scheme, getting unemployed people back into work, and moving on, I wanted…

How to Build the Purrrfect Programmatic Team

cat programmatic digital marketing team

If you’re thinking of building an in-house programmatic advertising team, don’t assume that success relies merely on scale. Even the leanest can become its very own powerhouse – a place where man meets machine. So, who are the protagonists that form your badass in-house programmatic team? THE DEDICATED GENIUS (YOUR DMP) No team is complete…

How Higher Education Marketers Can Get More From Programmatic Advertising in 5 Steps

marketing programmatic to higher education

When I speak to Higher Education marketers about programmatic advertising, questions about its efficiency, transparency and general functionality are common. But the overriding query is: how do I know when I’ve chosen the best solution? There’s no simple answer to this, but if you first determine your online advertising goals, there are five fundamental actions you…

Programmatic Unwrapped: How to Contend with Big Brands During the Festive Season

festive season talking about marketing preparation

The holiday season is finally here! It’s maybe the most exciting and creative time of the year for marketers, and as the global giants expand their reach in multiple directions, festive ad campaigns are getting bigger, better and smarter every year. US retail eCommerce is predicted to increase by 13.9%, rising to $79bn (9% of…

My Quick Programmatic Tips for Higher Education Marketers

programmatic tips for higher education marketers

If you’re a university marketer, you’re certainly not spending all of August at the beach. Now that clearing is (almost) out of the way, chances are that you’re already thinking about the student intake for 2016/2017. Everyday, I speak with many colleges and higher education providers to help them target the right prospective students online….

Clearing 2015 – How can programmatic advertising help ensure your courses are filled?

marketing programmatic to higher education

At Admedo, I spend a lot of time working with colleges and other higher education providers to help them to target the right prospective students online. There’s no doubt that competition amongst universities looking to attract new students has never been higher. It’s never been more important for higher education marketers to get the most…

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