Why Marketers Should Be Harnessing Full-Funnel Programmatic

woman on her connected device

According to eMarketer predications, 70% of all digital display ad spend in the UK will be through programmatic pipes in 2016. Marketers are clearly turning their attention to programmatic technologies, with programmatic ad spend surpassing £2billion this year. What has become evident is the expectation for programmatic to predominantly drive lower-funnel strategies and low-hanging fruit….

Programmatic prospecting for retail: what you’re missing out on

shoppers and consumers targeted through programmatic activity

Long has the legend endured that programmatic advertising = direct response = retargeting, i.e. when it comes to customers, programmatic can’t do more than help you grab the low hanging fruit. But solely using retargeting, means you miss out on the scale offered by the ad exchange inventory landscape in its vast entirety. There are…

The Transparent Marketer: a radical approach to customer privacy

image to show transparency

The shift had to happen at some point; we’re entering the post-cookie age. But what does that mean for your relationship with the people who buy your products and services? Hands down, cookies have made us better at serving relevant online advertising. But when it comes to finding that ‘single identifier’ in an era where…

Choose the cheeseburger, not the cow: why SMEs need DSP customisation

cheeseburgers showing SME

If you’re shopping for a DSP, you could be forgiven for feeling as though you got yourself lost at a farmyard; it’s messy, it’s noisy, and the smell of shit is everywhere. We checked out some of the advice available online for marketers making this tricky decision, and were uninspired to say the least. Trying…

We’re still at the top of the programmatic OOH hype cycle

digital out of home billboards

Nick Moutter, CEO at Admedo asks what needs to happen before the new promised era of Programmatic OOH arrives… Last year, to enable automated trading, we witnessed the first steps towards the launch of a 10-digit code for every UK outdoor advertising frame. This was met with much fanfare from the industry, proclaiming it a…

A Higher Degree of Awareness

university campus targeting students

How to use Programmatic Awareness Activity for Postgraduate Enrolment Welcome the postgraduate loan! For Universities looking to fill more postgrad courses, this incentive for enrolment will no doubt become a central focus in their marketing for 2016 and beyond. And for potential applicants not yet in market, programmatic advertising is a great way to raise…

Mastering the Machine

machine learning

Marketers, breathe a sigh of relief, because the machines aren’t coming after your jobs. The mechanised backbone of programmatic advertising – machine learning – still needs you like a shark needs blood. We need only look to the ‘awkward’ exit of Microsoft’s chat bot, Tay, to see how AI, when left unaccompanied, can malfunction big…

Putting the CREATIVE back in ad creative

Engaging consumers through creativity and bright ideas

David Ogilvy: “If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative.” So many of us in the adtech/advertising space salute data as the the pivotal driver of successful online advertising. “It’s all in the targeting!” is the rally cry, as we pump our ads out into the ether. We’re wrong. But our misjudgment is forgivable; data-driven marketing…

How to cut the crap and make your online advertising relevant

Crayons design and colour to show marketing and advertising

Following the IAB’s recent ad-blocking seminar, it’s good to see the call for relevant online advertising moving (if gradually) up the agenda. We’ve witnessed huge growth in programmatic’s targeting capabilities, but the relationship between adtech and its essential human input can lack the kind of symbiosis which makes automation truly perform; ergo, many advertisers are…

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