What are personalised ads?

Personalised ads — sometimes referred to as targeted or interest-based ads — are based on information about you, such as the products you view online or visits to websites where we provide ads or content.

At any time you can see or set your preference for ads personalised by Threeps here.

Note that even if you choose above not to see personalised ads, you may still see ads provided by Threeps on websites; they will just not be personalised.

Choosing not to see personalised ads, changing your recommendations and opting out of your browsing history will not affect other services that use the same technology, such as cookies, and information may still be collected for other purposes.

You can manage cookies in the privacy settings on the web browser you are using. Further details on how we use cookies can be found in our Privacy Policy.

Please also note that because your selection above is managed through HTTP cookies, if you delete these cookies or use a different browser, you will have to make this same selection again.

Request your personal data from Threeps

You are opted-out. We do not retain any personal data for opted-out users.

If you wish to request all personal data Threeps may have collected, please enter your email below and click ‘Request your data’ to confirm. We will receive the request and contact you regarding the outcome within 30 days.

By submitting an email address as part of this request you are authorising us to send the relevant request and response associated with the cookie ID on your device to said email address. The email address will not and cannot otherwise be used to verify identity, as we do not retain any email addresses in our platform.

A record of the request will be retained, but the email address will otherwise be discarded.

Delete all your personal data collected by Threeps

You are opted-out. We do not retain any personal data for opted-out users.

If you wish to delete all personal data Theeps may have collected, please enter your email below and click ‘Delete your data’ to confirm. We will receive the request and contact you regarding the outcome within 30 days.

By submitting an email address as part of this request you are authorising us to send the relevant request and response associated with the cookie ID on your device to said email address. The email address will not and cannot otherwise be used to verify identity, as we do not retain any email addresses in our platform.

A record of the request will be retained, but the email address will otherwise be discarded.

For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.