Why HTML5 Has the Programmatic X Factor

HTML5 creative on a laptop

HTML5 effectively allows advertisers to build a microsite within a banner ad thanks to the interactive online ad experience which is created. The demise of Flash ads over the past few years has given way to the adoption of HTML5 animated ads and as such has enhanced the creative delivery through programmatic. There are 3 key attributes which bestow HTML5 X Factor status:


HTML5 gives you the design flexibility to manipulate every part of the banner by dynamically inserting different content for different targets and parameters. This ethos fits neatly with programmatic because its job is to reach people at the right time, in the right place and with the right message. Therefore, it would only be natural to charge your programmatic targeting with impactful and targeted dynamic and interactive content that can be created on the fly.

  1. DATA

Programmatic facilitates the activation of first and third party data. Therefore, the ability to overlay customer insights into segments and build numerous HTML5 banner variations around them is an incredibly powerful proposition, especially since we know that personalisation delivers five to eight times the ROI on marketing spend (McKinsey research).


The writing was on the wall for Flash when Steve Jobs expressed his concern for the format in his open letter “Thoughts on Flash” which announced Apple’s Flash ban on its iPhones due to the impact is had on security, performance and iPhone battery life.  Given that programmatic accounts for over 70% of display advertising and coupled with the fact mobile devices have become an integral part of the consumer purchase journey, iPhone’s support of Flash was crucial. HTML5 is responsive and able to adapt to size when you resize the browser which makes it the perfect format for programmatic.  The final nail in the coffin came from Google towards the end of last year, when they rolled out their plan to start blocking most Flash content with Chrome and enable HTML5 as the default of choice.

Admedo HTML5 uploader

At Admedo, we support HTML5 in another step to fulfill our quest to empowering marketers. We know creative is always the last thing to turn up in a campaign which should have been live days ago. That’s why, as with everything that has been built into our platform, we strive to offer our customers simplicity and ease of use. We’ve taken all the hard and manual work out of trafficking an ad to make it infinitely less complicated. Our system can now pull all the javascript, assets and images within an HTML5 ad and fuse it together read to serve within our platform. Within moments your programmatic campaign is ready to go and your campaign manager is in the clear!

CURIOUS TO KNOW MORE? GET IN TOUCH WITH US AT [email protected] OR CALL US ON 020 3603 8610

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