How Programmatic Can Convey Your EVP and Attract Global Talent

Keely at RectechFest

Admedo had the pleasure of speaking to a packed out room of recruiters the other week. Keely Williams, Head of Client Direct at Admedo and recruitment specialist discussed the role programmatic can play for recruiters looking to convey their EVP and attract global talent. 

The recruitment sector is faced with various external challenges. These include the impact of Brexit and how the sector is to navigate through post Brexit, the dominance of millennials in the workforce and graduate recruitment given the 5% reduction of UK University applicants and 7% of EU applicants against last year. Recruiters are tasked with navigating through all this as well as identifying and capitalising on internal opportunities. These range from the internet to the proliferation of devices and more sophisticated tracking capabilities which mean recruiters have more data at their fingertips. For instance, if you can automate, why wouldn’t you? After all, automation facilitates scale and increases productivity, efficiency and effectiveness. Cue the partnership between programmatic and the resourcing sector.

As a recruiter, your core objectives may be to:

  1. Effectively convey your EVP
  2. Drive upper funnel awareness
  3. Tap into and attract global talent
  4. Reach and engage passive jobseekers
  5. Grow the talent pool

The Resourcing sector has access to incredibly rich data, whether they currently use that data or need a partner who can help them organise it. If they were to use that data to inform decisions about who to target with their EVP message,  or if they were to reach not only the brightest talent across the globe but those that are most likely to be the best cultural fit, what impact would that have on recruitment process? Most likely it would have decreased attrition and increased productivity.

Tapping into and attracting global talent

If a recruiter’s goal is to tap into and attract global talent, maximising existing budget to drive efficiency at scale is crucial. The secret weapon is data. Brands have an abundance of data they can harness to deliver targeted and high performing campaigns. For instance, they can collate demographic, behavioural, contextual and geographical attributes and interrogate their first party data to form their ideal applicant. By layering third party data over this, known as lookalike modelling, they can expand their reach to target the best global talent as modelled on their first party data. One client added data-driven ads into the mix to boost engagement. Together, we developed highly engaging bespoke HTML5 creative formats across desktop, and customised audiences that used first and third-party datasets to dynamically personalise the ads. These formats were delivered across contextually relevant and brand-safe environments. What was most effective was that the creative self-assembled on the fly. The flexible nature of the product feed enabled us to customise the ads to whatever parameters the client required in order to meet their need. For example, if the prime focus was to fill vacancies in Berlin, applicants would be retargeted with Berlin based jobs as long as it met the applicant’s criteria. The same was able to be done with salary and job title. After implementing the new creative sets, overall an impressive 775% increase in click-through rate was achieved.

Driving upper funnel awareness to millennial talent

Millennials have grown up with the internet, smartphones, laptops and social media – they expect instant access to information and are happy to see advertising as long as it’s engaging and relevant. They browse hundreds websites across different devices and through different channels. So if your goal is to engage them and encourage them to react to content on your site, activating programmatic video into the mix and enhancing your messaging with programmatic native should be high on your list, reaching them in the right place at the right time. For example video is the ideal medium to demonstrate what company life is like, culture and work/life balance are areas millennials place high importance on.

Converting passive jobseekers

Admedo works with a major retail bank which had the goal of attracting quality candidates to their talent pool, where they sought to focus on specific audience segments including women, certain ethnicities and specific minority groups. Their objective was to build awareness of their new offices and convert passive interest into active. They wanted to activate interest from prospective candidates and target them through their media habits further up the funnel  and outside of job boards. Programmatic targeting was able to address these broad goals through a full funnel prospecting and retargeting strategy. We set up contextual and demographic targeting tactics using tightly defined categories related to interest, age and online activity. As a result, the campaign achieve over 10 million unique views and ads were programmatically delivered in premium environments such as Reuters, Vogue, FT and The Guardian providing huge cost savings against direct buys. The client is now the extending the campaign and introducing enhancements through incorporating video to elevate their brand  and targeting prospects on a larger-scale to further their related content across online platforms.

Watch Keely’s presentation at RecTechFest below and catch our Head of Product, Glenn Dale show just how easy and simple it is to get a recruitment focused programmatic campaign up and running in mere minutes! 

Liked what you saw/read? Get in touch with [email protected] to see how we can help you exceed your recruitment goals.  For more information on recruitment strategy, download our overview on the resourcing sector here. 

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