At Admedo, I spend a lot of time working with colleges and other higher education providers to help them to target the right prospective students online.
There’s no doubt that competition amongst universities looking to attract new students has never been higher. It’s never been more important for higher education marketers to get the most value out of their budgets. With tuition fees continuing to rise, visa restrictions for international students, and more choice for prospective students than ever before, you have your work cut out. You’re also likely under increasing pressure to show strong ROI from your campaigns – which is not always easy with traditional marketing channels.
With clearing only a matter of weeks away, there’s never been a more important time to ensure your marketing channels are working effectively. Currently, over 280 universities are already advertising thousands of courses – and even more expected to do so following A-level results day. You need to cut through the noise. So, if your current campaigns aren’t performing as well as you’d like, what can you do?
We believe programmatic advertising is ideally placed to help ensure your marketing budget is being spent effectively and delivering results, even at this late stage. Here’s why:
FINDING THE RIGHT STUDENTS. Your challenge is not just finding new prospective students, but finding the right ones – serious applicants who will actually register for your courses – and not drop out! Programmatic advertising allows you to precisely target your audiences for individual courses and faculties, so you know your budget is focused on the right prospects.
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! If any of your current campaigns aren’t performing, it’s easy to move budget from them to programmatic advertising. With this channel, we can help you to translate your individual marketing KPIs into realistic advertising goals, and define the appropriate budget to meet these goals.
FLEXIBILITY IS KEY. You’ll likely have many different courses you need to find students for. With programmatic you can easily move and adjust marketing budget as individual courses become full.
If you’ve already planned your clearing activity, we can help you understand how you can use programmatic to attract students next year for open days, prospectus downloads and for general brand awareness to students and parents.
If you want to see how programmatic advertising can become a key marketing channel for you, do feel free to get in touch! You can call me directly on +44 (0)20 3603 8610 or email me at [email protected].
We’ve also got a 30 minute higher education webinar which provides an overview of programmatic advertising, as well as a case study of how a top 100 UK university has used this channel to meet their objectives. You can watch it here.
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